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Who We Are

Before anything else, hello and thank you for visiting our site. We appreciate your time!

It’s a work in progress and being constantly tweaked so you may not see the same setup twice. We aim to improve, and any feedback would be welcome. 


Elition is a site written and run by English teachers who have created a lot of work for themselves. It began, as these things often do, over a series of lunchtime conversations around teaching and learning. What was getting us excited that week, what had we read or researched that we were keen to trial, how our students responded to particular resources, and so on. 

The topic of values kept coming up (it often does). Bridging the academic and pastoral. How a school’s values can be best presented in an English curriculum or, even, which values to focus on in a way that is meaningful, progressive and ultimately about the 'English Experience' for staff and students. The question of preparing students, not just for successful academic outcomes but to be empathetic and curious.


We enjoy curriculum design and coherent resources. Our backgrounds and experiences in middle and senior leadership means that we have (one would hope!) an idea of what these would look like.

The Team

Copyright © 2023 Elition Education.

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